Samskara Plant-Based Recipes - Fudge Protein Brownies - Gluten Free and Vegan
Quick and easy to make 4 ingredient healthy protein brownies are moist and fudgy and contain NO SUGAR, NO EGGS, NO OIL, AND NO FLOUR! 🤤😍🥞
They are naturally vegan, gluten-free, and paleo. Enjoy them for breakfast or any time of the day. ✅💯
[caption id="attachment_12050" align="alignnone" width="603"] .[/caption]
¡Los brownies de proteínas saludables de 4 ingredientes, rápidos y fáciles de hacer, son húmedos y blandos y NO contienen AZÚCAR, HUEVOS, ACEITE, NI HARINA!
Son naturalmente veganos, sin gluten y paleo. Disfrútalas para el desayuno o en cualquier momento del día.
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